Bojan Gagić, multimedia artist, +385 91 200 7435

sound and light design

you tube


twelve dead birds
two seconds
happy place
future divercities
here, where we are no more
positive feedback of an acoustic signal
between silences
sounds in disappearance
on silence
from agora to syntagma
remix mangelos
circleing for flute and other stuff
6666 weeks later
azot after bogdanović
azot after wain
lighterature reading
route 666
richter’s view
remix mangelos

Happy Place

Not Visible On Google Maps

P R E F A C E :   K A R O L I N A   R U G L E
The work consists of twelve autonomous loudspeakers, twelve floor sensors and the main computer containing the recordings of happy places - locations chosen by the blind residents of Tokyo, recorded a couple of days earlier. Each of these sounds is a separate story with site-specific structure, the narrative of which depends on the moment the recording was made.

The overall sound landscapes are formed by movement of people (audience) at the site of the installation.

Each of us has their own happy place(s). The idea of someone’s happy place changes depending on person’s feelings and states, upbringing, life situations we are put through. My daughter says she has many happy places. My grandmother was blind, her happy place was her armchair in the living room. My happy place changes depending on my mood.

Neurophysiology teaches us that every thought is an image, sometimes realistic, sometimes abstract, but always an image. It has its shape, its colors, a certain energy charge. Somehow, from that, one could derive a theory of the dominance of the sight over all other senses, at least in the times we live in, as we do indeed conquest the world around us through sight.

Deprived of sight, blind people construct their images, thoughts and memories in a different way. Mostly through sound and touch. They don’t hear better than we see. But they listen and hear in a different manner, for them sound carries some meanings and content that elude us – people relying on sight.

voice: M.A.

Field recording as one of the art forms of sound is nothing new. In 1889, an eight-year-old boy, Ludwig Koch, recorded the sound of birds outside his home using an Edison cylindrical wax phonograph. Through the years, the form has evolved in various directions; we record sounds of untouched nature, undersea, space, electrostatic storm surges, melting ice, deserts and rainforests, we record the sound of everything.

The ambient-sound installation The Happy Place is simple. In its core it carries recorded sounds of the happy places of blind people living in Tokyo. As they listen differently, they will walk us through their particular landscapes of the ordinary. Because, with all due respect to the universe and electrostatic discharge, the happy place is here and now.

first broadcasting:

Karolina Rugle
interactive sound installation
Dubrovnik summer festival
(part of project: The Future of Ambiance)
Dubrovnik Summer Festival
Art workshop Lazareti
Bojan Gagić

copyright: all rights reserved, Bojan Gagić, 2024.