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S O U N D   A R T   
twelve dead birds
two seconds        

I N S T A L A T I O N S   
E X H I B I T I O N S  
L U M I N O A C O U S T I C S  
B O O K S  
I N S T A L A T I O N S  

twelve dead birds
two second
happy place
future divercities
here, where we are no more
positive feedback of an acoustic signal
between silences
sounds in disappearance
on silence
from agora to syntagma
remix mangelos
circleing for flute and other stuff

6666 weeks later
azot after bogdanović
azot after wain
lighterature reading
route 666
richter’s view
remix mangelos

sound & light design
graphic & web design

you tube

photos 1-3: Evelina Turković, recording preparations, 2012

Positive Feedback of An Acoustic Signal

A+B, Circle of Emptiness

P R E F A C E :   E V E L I N A   T U R K O V I Ć
The works of multimedia artist Bojan Gagić created in the last few years are defined, often very loosely, as new forms of acoustic expression. We are concerned here with synergetic, environmental performances, in which initial visual impulses are transmitted or transformed into acoustic responses, or perhaps initial impulses of an entirely different nature are transformed into sound. A tragic story from the history of the author’s family, about the forced separation of his grandfather and grandmother, became, for example, at the end a composition of entirely abstract acoustic signal, which were also very symbolic in their long-lasting monotony ( I N T E R I E U R ). In spite of the occasional complex story as the groundwork or a complicated electronic equipment, in Gagić’s installations or performances, what is dominant is in fact a minimalist quality. He uses on the whole basic manifestations of a certain phenomenon: pure light, for example, sometimes just sunlight, or the light of a single theatrical spotlight, or in sound, an even drone or heartbeats. The medium of performance is almost always synonymous with the content that it communicates.

The intuitive composition that Bojan Gagić performed for Picture of Sound was created, we might say, out of nothing. A set of four speakers and four microphones combined with a sound panel transmitted no kind of external sound, only their own signals. That is, all the sounds were created by a process of transmitting small acoustic irregularities from the input audio signal – the microphone – to the output audio signal – the speaker, and their incessant repetition and amplification. Or put more professionally, the Larsen effect, or microphony, in which source A produces more B, which in feedback produces more A. The artist gave his composition shape on the spot at the audio control panel, according to the characteristics of the actual speakers and microphones, without any additional source of sound or subsequent effects.

live recording from Meštrović Pavillion Zagreb, 2012, sound engineer: Tomislav Šamec, 24’50’’ 
In the description of this audio work it is worth mentioning that it was recorded in the Meštrović Pavilion in Zagreb, in an outstandingly acoustic space the shape of which will amplify and additionally transform every sound value. The author went into a gallery, with all the connotations that the space itself has, without any content or any work. Out of this silence, determined by the features of the space, of the equipment and his own momentary mood, he produced his composition.

year: 2012
curator: Evelina Turković 
medium: live recording for radio broadcasting+live set
first broadcasting: Picture of Sound, Croatian National Radio
first live set: Picture of Sound exhibition, Pogon Jedinstvo, Zagreb, 2013
production: Croatian National Radio
sound engineer: Tomislav Šamec

copyright: all rights reserved, Bojan Gagić, 2024