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S O U N D   A R T   
twelve dead birds
two seconds        

I N S T A L A T I O N S   
E X H I B I T I O N S  
L U M I N O A C O U S T I C S  
B O O K S  
I N S T A L A T I O N S  

twelve dead birds
two second
happy place
future divercities
here, where we are no more
positive feedback of an acoustic signal
between silences
sounds in disappearance
on silence
from agora to syntagma
remix mangelos
circleing for flute and other stuff

6666 weeks later
azot after bogdanović
azot after wain
lighterature reading
route 666
richter’s view
remix mangelos

sound & light design
graphic & web design

you tube

photograph: Bojan Gagić, Trešnjevka, 2010

Sounds In Disappearance

Means to An End

P R E F A C E :  B O J A N   G A G I Ć
When we first talked about the sound mapping of Trešnjevka, everything seemed clear: a series of locations where I wanted to stop, which I wanted to capture, to connect, the interiors, exteriors, early mornings, evenings, rains, trams, little streets that I am led through by some very personal memories. Trešnjevka is the place of my growing up, my first public and clearly defined microcosm. A solid amount of sounds was collected, now follows listening to it in the studio, editing, overdubbing, dramaturgy of sound image. It doesn’t sound good. All together one after the other, this isn’t Trešnjevka to me. Not the one that I think it should be. Problem, panic, scratching my head. Withdrawal from my original intention. Dropping the spaces that I remember and the attempt to find spaces from nineteen-seventy-something in the sounds of two-thousand-and-sixteen.

I have a child. A girl aged six and a half. We moved from Bužanova Street to Trešnjavka when she was a year and a half. Next month she is going back to Bužanova, somehow it seems I can say she grew up on Trešnjevka. I don’t know what she will remember when she grows up and if anything of that Trešnjevka will be important to her. But this is her recording. Once, if she wishes, she will be able to hear the sounds of her first microcosm: the hall of a kindergarten, the walk to grandma’s building, the shop where she bought ice cream, karate in Dom sportova, the place where dad had coffee, the little park, the tram she took to town, the cellar where the sleds are when there is no snow, the neighbour’s balcony, walks around the neighbourhood… What this sounds like, is what you will find out after the ride in a van around Trešnjevka. She will find out about it probably only after some ten years in a car ride for two.

year: 2016
curator: BLOK, CURATORIAL COLLECTIVE (Ana Kutleša, Ivana Hanaček, Vesna Vuković)
medium: audio tour on wheels
first performance: Mapiranje Trešnjevke, Zagreb
driver: Mario Šarlog
production: BLOK

copyright: all rights reserved, Bojan Gagić, 2024.